Here you will find documentation for most of @cognizone libraries:
- application-profile:
This library provides models and utility functions for the ApplicationProfile type and related logic.
- devtools:
Describe me if you can
- elastic:
Describe me if you can
- elastic-explorer:
Describe me if you can
- i18n:
Describe me if you can
- i18n-transloco:
Describe me if you can
- json-model-graph:
Describe me if you can
- legi-cv:
Describe me if you can
- legi-shared:
Describe me if you can
- material-icons:
Describe me if you can
- model-utils:
This library aims to provide utility models and functions, a bit like lodash, but on a smaller scale. It also presents some model that we see and use a lot in Cognizone's applications.
- ng-application-profile:
Describe me if you can
- ng-core:
Describe me if you can
- ng-yasgui:
Describe me if you can
- operation:
Describe me if you can
- permissions:
Describe me if you can
- transloco-langstring:
Describe me if you can
- user-action:
Describe me if you can