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Create a Concept Scheme

In this section, we will learn about how to create a concept scheme from scratch or from existing data.

Create a new concept scheme

On the item list page, inside a collection, you will find a command available at the top of the page to “create” a new item.

Item list, Collection page

Item list, Collection page, “+ create item” button visible on the top of the screen.

From scratch

Create a new item from scratch

  1. On the list item page inside a collection, use the button "+ Create item" on top of the page.

  2. Select in the list the “from scratch” option

  3. You will be redirected to a new empty edition form. You can now fill it with your data to create the new concept scheme.

  4. No properties are required to create a new item, but we advise you to fill either the Title — dct:title or the Label — skos:prefLabel to be able to easily identify the concept scheme once it is created.

💡 For more details about the different fields you can have in a form, check the How to edit a Concept Scheme page.

💡 You might see URIs that are prefixed with http://resource/ from time to time. Those URIs are temporary placeholders and are replaced upon item creation or edition.

From file upload

Create a new item from file upload

  1. On the list item page inside a collection, use the button "+ Create item" on top of the page.

  2. Select in the list the “from file upload” option

  3. A modal window will open with a file uploader.

  4. Upload a file .ttl.rdf.nt.n3 or .jsonld

  5. Once the file is correctly uploaded, you will be redirected to a new edition form. Automatically filled with the related data.

  6. No properties are required to create a new item, but we advise you to fill either the Title — dct:title or the Label — skos:prefLabel to be able to easily identify the concept scheme once it is created.

When you upload a file, Hanami ensures completeness by adding inverse properties. These properties are automatically maintained when you edit the item.

The following inverse properties are added:

  • broader and narrower
  • topConceptOf and hasTopConcept